Legal Notices

The legal address of JOISILVA PRECIOUS MINERALS LLC to receive correspondence for Legal Acts is as follows;

Rua de Baixo, nº73
4930-502-São Pedro da Torre

President & CEO
Joaquim Chedas da Silva

Address for Performance Jurisdiction

All the JOISILVA PRECIOUS MINERALS LLC Commercial correspondence should be sent to the PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Located at the following address;

Rua de Baixo, nº 73
4930-502 São Pedro da Torre

All Rights Reserved

Contents and form of the provided information are protected worldwide under copyright law. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, text excerpts, or pictures, requires prior written authorization from JOISILVA LLC. The information and data contained in this website have been compiled with utmost diligence. However, JOISILVA LLC does not guarantee their completeness or correctness nor does JOISILVA LLC assume responsibility for potential errors that may be contained in the contents. JOISILVA LLC reserves the right to change or amend content at any time and at its sole discretion.

We expressly distance ourselves from content and form of any other websites or webpages that may be liked to our website, since we have no control over content and form of such linked sites or pages. This statement shall apply to all pages and sub-pages of our website.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and procedures are in place and apply to the JOISILVA Group worldwide. These respective policies prohibit the making, offering, promising to make, giving, demanding or accepting a payment or transfer of anything of value or any advantage, including the provision of any service, gift or entertainment on either business’s behalf or on behalf of any client, by all such partners or employees as an inducement for any improper purpose or business advantage which is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust. These policies apply to dealings by our partners or employees with all third parties on our behalf or on behalf of our clients. If we believe that any activities would breach applicable laws or our policies, we reserve the right to terminate the engagement of the JOISILVA Legal Practice with immediate effect.

JOISILVA is, in certain circumstances, required by law to report any evidence or suspicion of bribery or corruption. We are also prohibited from notifying our client of the fact that a report has been made. The relevant statutory provisions are aimed at preventing and detecting bribery and corruption.